Wednesday, April 27, 2011


one of my friends told me that you know what would be the answer.
i just want to give it another shot.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


chest to chest
nose to nose
palm to palm

We were always just that close ~~
I can't stop thinking of that night
What we've done in the club,
or even those stuffs we've done on the way back home
It just too sweet !
I have a blast at that night !
and i cherish you !


I had a best night out ever! EVER!!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


used to visit that place for once or twice in a month......
feel so blissful .......
or being taking care......
Always had a great time.....
everything will back to basic on the Next day
Even Worst ~~~~
And i'm wondering,
what if i heading back to the place that i used to belong
Am i'm going to survive without this ?
I'm sure that I'm going to MISS it.